Sunday, December 26, 2010

I had the privilege of traveling with Mohammed Ali

Several years ago, I had the privilege of traveling with Mohammed Ali.  The man is the real deal! He stands at 6’3 inches tall. His eyes are so penetrating you are almost embarrassed to continue looking at him.  I was returning from my vacation in Puerto Rico with my family. When I noticed that there was a man onboard that looked just like Mohammed Ali. I couldn’t believe it. So I said, Oh, maybe he just looks like him. Well, I soon realized it was him.
He, of course, was in first class, we were not. His bodyguards kept a distance.  Mr. Ali eventually came to our section of the plane at an opportune moment to greet the passengers on the plane. It was a lot of fun having him entertain us a bit with a fuchia colored handkerchief (causing a  small “mouse” to come out of his hand). I’ve been informed that he likes doing this. I think I was the only person on board with a video camera.  I still have the footage to prove it. That was fun especially for my then nine year old son. The Parkinson’s disease caused Mr. Ali to not verbalize much to us…but his eyes…oh his eyes said a lot.
Mohammed Ali won 36 times before losing in a boxing match to Joe Frazier.  Then he won 10 more times and then lost to Ken Norton. Then he won 14 more times  and then lost to Leon Sprinks, then latter on he again fought Leon and won! Then he lost 2 more times before he retired. Wow! Those were the days…we thought they’d never end. Like the song says.
Mohammed Ali showed us what perseverance looked like.
In the invention world, perseverance is the key. You cannot give up. You have to persevere. You have to believe that what you have to offer is good. You have to train yourself. You have to discipline yourself. You have to believe in yourself, but mostly, believe that God can help you.
And you know something? The years have gone by, but I can never forget the penetrating eyes of Mohammed Ali. They seem to carry more strength than his biceps.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an incredible experience. One should always treasure moments like that and comment on their experiences. Thank you for sharing this wonderful occurrence.
